Scientist has prove that night is not the best time to study - Media and news website

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Thursday 6 April 2017

Scientist has prove that night is not the best time to study

One of the most debated concepts among students is the best time to study with better understanding. Most individual speak from their own point of view based on their body chemistry and temperament. Everyone will speak at length of the benefits of their preferred method to convince you.
In reality, there is no scientific proven best time to study for better understanding but most expert speak based on their experience. They often highlight some factors they think enhance individuals learning in their chosen period. Most people read and understand more in the night when everywhere is silent. But that does not mean that midnight is the only time you can read and understand.
Yours might be in the midnight, late in the evening or better still very early in the morning. For most people, the afternoon is no-go area, because of the bulk of noise during this hour and so many other distractions. For some students, mid-night study or study in the night is equivalent to sleeping, because that is against their body chemistry.
However, there are benefits attached to each period which is what this article is for. From research, we discover that the following are the benefits of studying at both night and day.
Importance of studying in the night
1. Full Concentration:Naturally night is meant for rest while the day is for work. In the night most people get full concentration because of less disturbance from relatives, friends, colleagues via charting or phone calls among other things.
2. High level of Creativity: Because everywhere is noisy, busy and full of distraction most people lack creativity during the day. But get more focus in the night. Thereby generating whole lots of idea. Most researchers accomplish their task in the night.
3. Peace of Mind: Remember, we are in a world that is full of many issues to attend to which often struggle for our attention during the day. Your mind and your body system are at peace during the night since your mind knows you are limited. Hence there is more focus on a particular issue thereby avoiding divided attention.
4. Environment: The truth is that most students live in uncultured hostels where noise and gossiping are the other of the day. Some lives close to hotels, clubs, industries, and church that generate whole lots of noise. This noise from the various quarters hinders their learning during the day.
Importance of Studying During the Day
1. Sleeping is not an issue: One of the greatest challenges of studying in the night is sleep. Naturally, the body system is designed for sleep in the night. So keeping it awake is very tasking and need to be developed over time. But during the day sleep automatically disappear from the eye leading to full concentration.
2. Better energy and vitality: Check it, you will notice that after night rest our body regains lost energy during the previous day . The extra energy we regain in the night help us to concentrate better in our study especially during the early hour of the day.
3. Enhance interaction with friends:
During the day we have access to our friends and colleagues to study together for better learning. Group learning is very important for a better study as it gives us an opportunity to learn from others.
4. Have access to more resources:
Recall that in the night almost everywhere is locked down limiting your access to library and some other resource centers. This limitation is overcome by studying in the night.

Points to note as regard studying in the night and during the day
Both night and day studying has their own limitations and benefit depending on our body chemistry. However, we can make effective use of both times to our own advantage by harmonizing both times effectively.
I think Dr. Jane Oakhill, a psychologist at the University of Sussex experiments on how the time of day affects your memory will help us to understand this concept more.
Look at what she’s discovered: According to her,
Human beings process two types of memory – Declarative and Semantic – differently throughout the day. In her findings, in the morning we tend to be better at Declarative Memory tasks – which is our ability to recall exact details, like names, places, dates, and facts.
Accordingly, in the afternoon, our brain is better at Semantic Memory tasks – our ability to integrate new information with what we already know and make it meaningful. The afternoon is mostly fast decision-making time.
So what that means is this:
When you’re planning out your day, you want to study new material earlier in the day. And use the afternoon to integrate new knowledge into what you already know.
In other words, the morning is best for researching information. And the afternoon is better for synthesizing and applying it. Are you surprised? Don’t if you are.

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