SEX AND FASTING (PART 2) - Media and news website

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Saturday 17 March 2018


*PART 2*
As soon as Kehinde left for work, I decided
to take his matter to God in prayer. I went
on my knees and was lost in prayer for the
next four hours.
”Father, defend me in my marriage, cast out
every demon that has possessed my
husband’s heart”. “The king’s heart is in the
hand of the lord, he turns it whichever way.
Oh God turn my husband’s heart away from
s-x and all things of the flesh during these
100 days of fasting, . Towards the end of
my prayer, I suddenly got an inspiration
from the Holy Spirit on what to do next.
There was no point trying to tell Kenny he
could not have s-x with me, I only had to
use wisdom to avoid it by doing things that
will not even get him interested. So I
decided not to have my bath the whole of
that day. I knew how much Kenny liked me
bathing and all clean. By the time he got
home around 7pm that day, I made sure
dinner was ready. I could not have been
more wrong because another argument
ensued as soon as he came in through the
”Madam, have you sorted out your issues
yet?” he said.
”What issues Kenny? Please come and have
your dinner”.
”Did you think I was joking? Did you think
not taking your bath will work on me? Or
you did you think I will not know you
enough to know that not taking your bath is
a tactic to avoid s-x?”
I was quite shocked and kind of speechless
that he immediately realized what my plan
”Kenny, please be understanding. I need to
consecrate myself to God”. I resorted to
begging instead.
”Lola, get it straight, I am not asking you
not to fast. What is wrong with having s-x
between 6pm that you break your fast and
midnight that the next day starts? That is all
I am asking” he tried to negotiate.
”I am sorry Kenny, I don’t believe that is
good enough. I am supposed to be
consecrated for 100 days. Having s-x during
that time just makes me feel unclean”. I
”What is unclean about s-x between
husband and wife babe? It is totally biblical”
”See Kenny, you just need to be patient. I
have just 85 days left and then we can go
back to doing the dirty”.
”Let me tell you something Lola, this is the
last time I will have this discussion with
you. If you cannot find a way to balance
your marriage and fasting, then you just
might not have a marriage to come back to
after your 100 days”.
”What do you mean by that Kenny? God
forbid such confession?” I said
Kenny left me standing there and went into
the room. My surprise was complete later
that night when he moved most of his
things to the guest room. I was going to
beg him but I just later decided it was for
the best if he stayed in the guest room for
the next 85 days. This was probably God’s
way of creating a solution for me. I went on
my knees that night and sang in gratitude to
God for making a way for me where I
thought there was none.
By day 60 of my fasting and prayer, I was
officially frustrated. The joy and excitement
I got from fasting and prayer had gone.
Kenny and I had become total strangers in
the house. He had not eaten my food in
over 6 weeks and I was officially worried.
He had started coming home quite late and
we did not even talk anymore. Every time I
tried to talk to him, he just shut me out. We
both went to work and came back and went
into separate rooms. I did not even know
where to start from. I knew for a fact I had
not done anything wrong and was just doing
the best for our marriage and I wondered
constantly why Kenny was so blinded by
unreasonable rage. I wondered where all the
promises of not going to bed in anger went.
I finally reached the end of my rope that
week when I got a text from him around
8pm saying,
”Don’t wait up for me. I wont be coming
home tonight”.
I could not believe my eyes and I
immediately sent him a text saying,
” Where are you? Why wont you come
His reply made me burst into tears. ”Please
ask the holy spirit to reveal it to you in
My marriage is in trouble.

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