SEX AND FASTING (PART 3) - Media and news website

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Saturday 17 March 2018


I decided that night that I had had enough
of Kenny’s erratic behaviour and we needed
counselling. I waited for him to come home
the next morning but he never showed up. I
called him around noon when I was getting
worried but he did not pick my call. I got a
text shortly after saying,
”I am quite surprised you are looking for
me. Don’t worry, I am fine. Don’t let me
distract you from God”.
I decided it was time to seek counsel from
my pastor’s wife.
As I sat down with Mummy as we normally
call her that evening after a word of prayer
and recounted the full story of our
challenges from the beginning of the fasting
period. I was quite hopeful that I will get
solutions on the next step to take. Mummy
looked at me and shook her head as I
showed her the last text I got from Kenny
from my phone.
”Sister Lola, what does the Bible say about
our parents and honour?”
”Honour your father and mother, that your
days might be long” I quickly replied
wondering why we were talking about my
parents when it was my marriage that
needed healing.
”Do you remember when you came to me
and decided you wanted to marry this young
man who was barely a baby in the lord. I
warned you to look for giants in the spirit. If
you had honoured my words, surely the
days of your marriage would have been
long”, she said with obvious annoyance.
”I am sorry mummy, I love my husband and
I think he loves God too”
”He loves God? You are still defending his
actions? A man that cannot agree with you
in prayer? That will not deny his body to
feed his spirit? She asked me.
”I am sorry ma” I quickly said. Mummy was
known for her short temper and I did not
want to get on her bad side.
”Anyway the deed has been done. We need
to find a way forward. You see the devil is
not resting. He is obviously seeking to
devour your marriage. The battle is not with
your husband. It is a fight in the spirit”.
”Okay ma” I said.
”The devil knows this fast is going to
liberate your marriage and he wants to stop
it at all cost. The flesh will be satisfied
eventually but you need to be spiritually
fortified first. So make sure you complete it
in total consecration to God”.
”Okay ma. What do I now do about his
refusal to come home ma?”
”Oh don’t worry Lola, he will come home.
He is like the prodigal son, he will surely
return. Let us pray my dear”.
By the time I left my pastor’s house after
about two hours of prayer. I felt stronger
and better. Kenny was just over reacting
and I was definitely on the right course. I
just needed to keep praying and not let me
faith be shaken. When I got home and met
Kenny relaxing in the sitting room, it
confirmed to me that everything mummy
said was correct since he returned like she
had prophesied.
As the days passed things got more
estranged. Kenny stopped going to our
church and demanded I move to this new
church he found. Of course I vehemently
refused. It is important to be grounded and
not church belly-hopping. I got daily text
motivations from my mummy in the lord
and that just encouraged me.
Finally the last day of the 100 days came
and it was announced in church that couples
should endeavour to attend together since
there was going to be an all night prayer. I
begged and pleaded with Kenny but he
adamantly refused. I went to church alone
that night and prayed every prayer possible.
My joy knew no bounds the next morning
because I knew that all the fight I had been
n by having with Kenny was finally going to
be over. I was going to make sure we had
as much s-x as wanted that night.

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